Work group activities (end of 1980s - 2006)

Carl-Peters-Street in Kiel

The work group supports the again 2006 started initiative to have the Carl-Peters-Street in Kiel renamed. An article was published in "Weltsicht/Weitsicht" (BEI's magazine), several letters were written to the "Kieler Nachrichten" (the local newspaper) and we will take part in the organization of an opinion poll and a meeting in the respective town quarter. More information regarding Carl Peters see e.g. >>

We attended a meeting in that town quarter (8.10.06). Ca. 40 people were present, among them quite number of people living in that street and Pastor Liß-Walther. One lady wanted the name to be kept, led by principal considerations (one has to confess to one's history). The people living in the street were afraid that a change of names would cost their money and would force them to see various town. Mr. Nickel and Mr. Tovar could however assure them, that no cost would arise (identy cards, car licence, register). There was general consensus, that in any case a plaquette should be fixed in the street informing about the role Carl Peters played in German history.

Results of an opinion poll among the residents did not show a majority for renaming the street. Ein auf Initiative der Grünen veranstaltetes Symposium brachte einen Stimmungsumschwung bei den politisch Verantwortlichen. Professor (emerituis) Michael Salewski legte überzeugend seine Gründe für eine Umbennung dar. Mittlerweile (26.4.07) ist die Umbennung beschlossen: Die Straße wird in Zukunft Albert-Schweitzer-Straße heißen. Ein anderer Vorschlag des Ortsbeirats (Nelson-Mandela-Straße) fand keine Mehrheit.

Light up the World

A colleague informed the group on the interesting initiative "Light up the World - LUTW"; WLEDs are used to light up the huts. They consume very little energy, so that only relatively small solar panels and batteries are needed. The group welcomes the initiative and will support it.


Work group discussed problem areas of development cooperation

The following problem areas in dvelopment cooperation have been identified by us and the respective solution approaches have been discussed:

Problem areas
Explanations, questions
Approaches for solutions
Responisbility is shifted to the volunteers/development workers, although it should rest with the local partners Who has the responsibility and how does he/she takes it on? Have clear responsibilities laid down before project starts
Finances, chronic shortage of money: projects are often not comprehensively financed Who prepares the budget and how is the budget made Set up clear budgets with the responisble persons before project starts. Projects have to generate own income
Partizipation: exchange (projects) often not really wanted only the money which comes with the projects Who is affected by the project, how to get them involved; who are the promoting who are the hindering persons Ensure the involvement of all relevant levels and groups in planning and conducting
Mismanagement, embezzling Which kind of controls are there, who controls who Rechte, Pflichten und Maßregelungen festlegen
Arrogance, inability and enrichment of politicians What influence have politicians, how do they exert it Clear requirements to the politicians
Cultural background, absolute power of the "Old Man" Which role play women and youth Get women and youth involved
Arrangement of the projects:
trans regional discussions
Who formulates the needs (externals or the affected), how current are these; trans regional exchange of experiences Establishment of the real needs; make offers fir to the needs; trans regional exchange of experiences
Procurement of material    
Counterparts: when one is good he/she will soon be gone Is the salary enough to support the living of the project personel Performance related parts of the salary allowing for drastically increased salaries
Small loan schemes: repayments very slowly if not nothing at all Loans are regarded as gifts Set up of chambers of crafts
and trade

As an interesting concept of vocational training the thesis and practical examples of John Grierson (ILO) were presented, who proposes, to steer away from the conventional training subjects (metalworker, carpenter, mason, tailor) and instead conduct short modular courses, fitting exactly to the requirements, possibly in cooperation with local artisans.


  • John Grierson: „Where there is no Job - Vocational Training for Self-Employment in Developing Countries", published by SKAT, CAS, SDC, distributed by IT Publications; ISBN 3-908001-70-6;
  • John Grierson: „Training for Self-Employment through Vocational Training Institutions", published by ILO; Corso Unità d’Italia 125; I-10127 Turin; ISBN 92-9049-333-0)

Last updated 13.5.07

  • Work-group of former development workers >>
  • Results of the work-group >>
  • Development cooperation pojects in Kenya and Zambia >>
  • How does a child experience life with development workers >>
  • Slide show 'child of volunteers' >>
  • Experiences of an accompanying spouse >>
  • Sailing for Zambia >>