Our working group was founded in the late 1980s and existed till 2006 in different composition. Information on former group activities can be found here: >>
We offered assistance in identifying suitable projects and providing
advice to new development workers; in particular those about to
depart on their first assignment. We also distributed the practical
developmental experience gained by our members to institutions
and organisations, planning or conducting projects in developing
This forum comprised of ca. ten former development workers and covered a large area of different occupations, tasks and countries. Unfortunately no younger volunteeres wanted to take over and we eventually had to close the work group.
Ingelore Kahrens started 2009 a project in the Mount Kenia Region
which promotes the implementation of appropriate technologies (solar cookers,
energy saving ovens, cooking baskets, household size solar systems with LEDs etc.)
and aims at improving the situation of the people (keeping of chicken and milking goats,
tree nurseries, watertanks). For more information see her blog: >>
Contact: tutaonana at onlinehome punkt de
Eggert Göttsch is one of the founders of the German-Ethiopian
association. This group conducted i.a. the Moringa-tree project
>> ).
Contact: eggert.goettsch at web punkt de
The association was a member of Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holsteins (BEI, Alliance of Developemental Initiatives).
Photograph: Teacher Cephas Kangwa tests a water pump made by our students (Zambia 1995)
Last updated 1 January 2012