Although the name Kuhl is a fairly rare one in Germany, there are still a number families in all bigger towns and we don't know much about them (and probably have no relationship with them). Our family stems from Danzig (Gdansk, now belonging to Poland) at the Baltic sea, they were quite ordinary people (sailors, ship carpenters) and after the second world war they were scattered over numerous towns in West and East Germany. I got a heap of papers from my aunt containing things like birth and marriage certificates, which she managed to save during those stormy times. From these papers and with the help of my mother and another aunt I set up a family tree (part of which is shown on these web pages,, but we can only get back to about 1820.
Anyone looking for more information should approach the Standesamt (registrar's office) in Berlin:
Berlin's City Hall Standesamt I Berlin
Rückerstr. 9
D-10119 Berlin
Tel. 0049 30 21 74 0
They have records starting from October 1874.If you need earlier data you have to contact either the protestant or the catholic archive:
Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
Bethaniendamm 29
D-10997 Berlin
Web: >>Katholisches Kirchenbuchamt des Verbandes der Diözesen Deutschlands
D-53113 Bonn
Helpful links could also be the emmigrants/immigrants databases
in New York and Hamburg:
- Ellis Island, New York:
- Link to your roots, Hamburg:
The follwowing link shows the regional distribution of surnames in todays Federal Pepublic of Germany by telephone directory entries: >>
From 1935 until 1941 the so called Sütterlin (Suetterlin) was obligatory in Germany. Almost all official documents were written in that calligraphic handwriting developed by Ludwig Sütterlin. See the following example (the font can be downloaded from the internet and added to the Computer fonts):
Please note: in Suetterlin there is a difference between a normal
"s" and one at the end of a word or syllable!
Look for assistance e.g. from "Süttelinstube"
Last updated 14 December 2011